Status:Horror Blogger, Writer for, Indie & Direct to DVD Reviewer for
You will mainly recognize Brittney as the voice behind her popular horror blog Day Of The Woman. As you see she also writes for various other horror based websites as well. Check out her bio below:
My name is Brittney-Jade Colangelo, I'm 19 years old and hail from the Windy City. I'm a beauty queen, competitive baton twirlier, philanthropist, and college student. I'm an avid Rocky Horror fanatic and an even bigger Cubs fan. I'm the mother of my "frankenhamster" named Frankie and my best friend is a 6 year old who loves youtube and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I'm an actress, trained vocalist, and Lady GaGa enthusiast. I'm a craftwhore with reconstruction and glass/mirror etching. I love to read and spend time with my incredible boyfriend Billy.

On to the questions:
1.)So what sparked your love for the horror genre?
My mommy :). My mom has been a diehard horror nut her entire life. My parents used to run the haunted hayride and haunted house in our town so it was something accepted as “normal” in my household. She raised me on Carpenter/Hill, King, and Craven. I watched the House on Haunted Hill remake when I was 9 years old and Googled the film to see if it really was the same guy from A Night At The Roxbury. A picture of Vincent Price showed up and I had no idea who he was. I brought the picture to my local ma & pa video rental store and he armed me with William Castle films and just about everything Vincent Price ever did. That's when it all began.
2.)When and Why did you decide to make your blog Day of the woman?
My baby will be 1 year old on the 20th of this month :). I started DotW after talking with B-Sol of The Vault of Horror. We became buddies on's forums and I brought up the idea of writing about horror with more of a feminine vibe and he really showed me the ropes. When I first started, everything I wrote had to do with women. I didn't want to exclude the male population, so I began writing about everything...with my feminine touch on it .
3.)I know you feel strongly about getting women's perspectives in horror out there,do you feel you are judged differently being a woman horror blogger?
I really wish I could say No, but then I'd be lying. I can not even begin to tell you how many times people have commented on entries that other writers x-post me on bigger named websites and commenters bash my opinion for no other reason than I'm a woman. I think we are judged to see what we can handle and things of the sort whether or not people write about it on their blogs.
4.)Are there any horror bloggers/writers that have made a huge impact on you?
I owe everything I have to B-Sol because without him, no one would even know my blog exists, but Kate from LTFTTE is the woman who really inspired me to start writing.

5.)If you could interview one person in the horror world(dead or alive) for your blog for one day,who would it be and why?
Camille Keaton. Her ass is my blog's header and as a Theatre Student, I am so interested on what sort of preparation she did for the role of Jenny in Day of the Woman/I spit on your grave.
6.)What made you choose "Day of the woman" as the title for your blog?
Day of the Woman is the original name of the film "I Spit on your Grave". I knew my blog was going to be more female geared and I wanted something to showcase that "I know my horror, and yes I'm a girl". Day of the Woman was perfect.
7.)In your opinion what are the ups and downs of running a horror blog?
The ups are definitely the people you meet. The bloggers, writers, directors, reviewers that I've met from DotW, B-D, and HorrorSociety are some of the greatest people I've ever come in contact with. Not to mention, the freebies are pretty sweet, as well as being "famous". Downside is that it does take up a lot of time and as a college student...juggling extra curriculars, schoolwork, a social life, and a "full-time job blogging" get to be very stressful.

8.)If you didn't blog about horror,what else do you think you would blog about?
I would honestly write about body loving. There are so many women (and men) who have unrealistic views about their bodies and it causes a lot of heartache and hardships. I would love to write to other women and men about changing the way they see themselves, everyone is beautiful regardless of shape, size, style or skin. I would write about ways to help with self confidence and acceptance to love themselves as they are.
9.)Have you ever been interested in pursuing something else in the film/horror world(Director/Actress/FX Make-up artist/Cinematographer)?
I'm a theatre student so my dream is to be a Scream Queen...but I know how hard it is so I'm not holding my breath. I'm also really really into doing home made FX and make-up. I take my makeup class next semester and I'm so excited I can't even handle it. My boyfriend is a filmmaker so maybe I'll get to star in something someday haha.
10.)Out of all the female villains/murderers/monsters in the horror movie universe,who's the scariest to you and why?
Margaret White scares the living shit out of me. Pardon my french, but that whacked out woman scares me half to death because I know there are people like her who exist. She doesn't have supernatural powers, she doesn't yield a weapon, she's just freaking crazy.
11.)Who is your favorite woman(or women) in horror?
Elsa Lanchester, Linnea Quigley, Tiffany Shepis, Felissa Rose, Hazel Court, Allison Hayes, Kyra Schon, and of course Jamie Lee Curtis.

12.)And last but not least,what is your favorite horror movie of all time?
Evil Dead. Hands down. I would do terrible & disgusting things to be with Bruce Campbell, EVEN the way he looks now all bloated and stuff. He's been my celebrity crush since I was 12 years old, I had a poster in my room...on my ceiling. Sam Raimi's style is one of my favorites and I love how over the top and crazy the entire film is. It's not just scary, but fun.
You can check out Brittney's blog Day Of The Woman at:
Also Follow her on Twitter:
Brittney-Jade is brilliant and Day of the Woman is the best new horror blog of 2009. I'm honored and flattered to have played a part in getting it off the ground, but BJ-C would've been a phenom with or without me, I just happened to be the one holding the door.